

Inspection de réseau d’égout | Inspection caméra | Essai d’ovalisation de conduite | Recherche de raccordements inversés | Mesure de débit en conduite | Révision de plan et localisation de conduite | Can-Explore
Project – Post-Flooding Inspection of Sanitary and Storm Sewer Systems 1260 800 Can-Explore

Project – Post-Flooding Inspection of Sanitary and Storm Sewer Systems

Arpentage | Géomatique | Station totale | Scanneur 3D | Leica
Project – 3D Scanning of a Cooling Tower at a Thermal Power Plant 1024 529 Can-Explore

Project – 3D Scanning of a Cooling Tower at a Thermal Power Plant

Project – Photogrammetry Surveys of the Saguenay River Shoreline 1920 1280 Can-Explore

Project – Photogrammetry Surveys of the Saguenay River Shoreline