
Pipe Flow Measurement

The measurement of flow rates in pipelines is an essential method to ensure the performance and durability of sewer and water networks. It is particularly useful for identifying problematic pipes that pose overflow risks, whether stormwater or sanitary, and for optimizing the management of extraneous water. During construction planning, it helps properly size treatment plants, retention basins, pipes, and pumps according to the actual volumes that need to be managed.

The validation of temporary bypasses and the prevention of incidents related to pipeline overload also rely on precise flow data. Through sensors installed over a predetermined period, it is possible to obtain a detailed view of the network’s behavior over time and anticipate necessary interventions. Ultimately, evaluating pipeline flow rates is crucial to determining whether existing infrastructure can support an increase in demand.

Flow Measurement

Can-Explore provides the necessary expertise for measuring flow rates in sanitary and storm sewer networks using specialized equipment tailored to specific needs. Depending on the nature of the mandate and the type of flow, our team adjusts the installations to ensure optimal data collection.

Pumping Station

Storm Sewer

Sanitary Sewer

How is flow measured:

1. Determine the Flow Area
The most commonly used flow meters by our experts are the level-velocity type. These devices measure flow velocity using the Doppler effect, while a pressure probe installed on the sensor provides a reading of the water height in the pipe. Combined with the pipe dimensions, the water level allows for determining the flow area of the cross-section.

2. Calculate the Flow
By multiplying this flow area by the fluid velocity, the volumetric flow rate is obtained, representing the amount of water flowing through the pipe per unit of time. This makes it possible to estimate daily volumes both during high and low water table periods.

Measuring Flow in High Volume, Large Diameter Pipes, or Under Other Special Conditions

For pipes with very high flow rates, advanced technologies are required to obtain accurate and reliable measurements, such as non-contact Laser Doppler technology and ultrasonic flow measurement technology:

Laser Doppler Velocity Measurement: A laser beam sends a pulse to one or more points below the water surface and measures the frequency shift of the reflected light to calculate flow velocity.

Ultrasonic Level Measurement: An ultrasonic sensor measures the water height in the pipe, enabling the system to establish a reference point for velocity measurement.

By using these non-contact technologies, Can-Explore ensures reliable flow measurements for large-diameter pipes, even during flood periods or heavy rainfall.

Applications of Pipeline Flow Measurement

Flow measurements can be used in various contexts:

  • Evaluating the flow of extraneous water in a sanitary network. In this situation, measuring precipitation with a rain gauge plays a major role in analyzing pipeline flow. By measuring precipitation intensity, we can determine the impact of rain on the flow in the sanitary network.
  • Measuring flow under different conditions (dry/wet weather) on a sewer line, both before and after its rehabilitation or replacement.
  • Calibrating a hydraulic model of sewer networks and overflow structures.

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