
Structures and Buildings

Façades and Multi-Storey Parking Garages – Inspection (Bill 122)

Can-Explore inspects the façades of buildings of five (5) storeys or more, and also multi-storey garages, according to the requirements of Bill 122. Our team of engineers and technicians combines conventional inspection methods with state-of-the-art technologies to provide a clear and accurate diagnosis of the condition of a façade or multi-storey garage.

Load-Bearing Capacity

Can-Explore uses cutting-edge technology and exclusive engineering services and expertise to conduct load-bearing capacity studies on concrete, steel and wood structures, whether the projects are small or large, simple or complex.

Structures and Underwater Structures – Inspection

Inspecting a structure on a regular basis makes it possible to monitor its wear over time. The required repair work can therefore be planned in order to maximize the structure’s service life.

Design and Preparation of Plans and Specifications

Can-Explore’s engineering team offers a full range of services related to the design and preparation of plans and specifications.

Inspection nettoyage bassin eau potable

Drinking Water Reservoirs – Inspection and Cleaning

The inspection and cleaning of drinking water reservoirs while they stay operational. 


Thermography enables us to inspect a building, its components, or pieces of equipment in a non-intrusive manner.

Any questions? A specific project in mind?

Don’t hesitate to contact us. Our solutions are tailored to your needs.