
How to make job interviews more exciting, enriching and less stressful?

How to make job interviews more exciting, enriching and less stressful?

How to make job interviews more exciting, enriching and less stressful? 1200 628 Can-Explore

Without a doubt, the hiring process, particularly the interview stage, are anxiety inducing situations that we would rather avoid altogether! In order to make this experience a little more pleasant, here are some tips to prepare and facilitate your exchange with your future colleagues. Let’s not forget that the hiring process can change from one company to the other but also depending on the type of role and its level of complexity. You will find below an outline of what you should expect form that process.

1. After submitting your job application

The first step of a recruiting process is very often a phone call from human resource department. This first contact generally consists of validating some information that may be missing from a cv or to obtain a few more details on your work experience, your training, your strengths, etc. Often following that call, you will be invited to meet with a manager in person.

Useful tip:

Don’t forget where you’ve sent your CV! If the human resource agent introduces themselves and you have no idea where they are calling from or for what reason, it’s a sign that you have little to no interest towards the business who you wish to work for.

If your schedule is restricted or it might be difficult to contact you, it’s always good practice to propose windows of time when you are available to facilitate that first contact. You are probably employed and would rather not be disturbed at work which is totally legitimate! However, most recruiting team work on a 8am to 4pm model and will, by default, try to contact you within that time.

2. Preparing for the job interview

That’s it! We’re on to the next step! Your job interview is scheduled in our offices next week! How do you prepare for it?

Rule of thumb, there are two types of job interviews you can expect in the job market: structured interviews and semi-structured job interviews.

Structured interviews are becoming less popular or are mostly found in very large companies who have clearly defined methods. This type of interview consists of a very closed conversation meaning that the person conducting the interview will follow a series of predetermined questions often paired with a point-based system. The conversation rarely deviates from the questions asked and, according to us, does not allow us to truly discover the person sat in front of us.

At Can-Explore, we prefer the semi-structured interview. We don’t follow any canvas; we’ll usually have a notepad to scribble down if needed. This type of interview focuses on exchanges, conversations and sharing. We can deviate from the path and elaborate a bit more on key elements from our conversation. We get to know each other, a bit like a first date! The end goal is to make you feel at ease with us and drop the stress!

Beware! There are still some questions you can’t avoid during an interview, like:

  • Tell us about your previous experience,
  • Tell us about a difficult situation you faced in a previous workplace and how you dealt with it,
  • What makes you most proud in your career,
  • What motivated you to choose this career or role,
  • Etc.

But these will come much more naturally in a semi-structured interview!

It’s also a good way/occasion to get to know your future employer! It’s also the perfect time for us to seduce you and show you what the “Can-Explore vibe” is all about, the office ambiance and teamwork! You should leave the interview and want to work with us! We could spend a lot of hours per week together after all!

Useful tips:

A good night sleep! An old wives tale, sure, but it helps! Get to your interview well rested, serene. There will always be a little stress deep inside and we will most likely feel it whilst we discuss. But don’t worry, we’ll do everything we can to make you feel as comfortable as possible before we start.

In the same vein, drinking three coffees before your interview probably isn’t the best idea! Besides, at Can-Explore we will offer you a great cup of coffee form Nektar coffee roasters when you get here (espresso, coffee, latte… our machine is versatile!)

In order to relax the atmosphere, you’ll probably cross path with our mascot Louna! Our canine colleague welcomes everyone who enters our offices and ensures their wellbeing; the perfect dose of daily zootherapy!

Prepare some of your answers in advance; the questions we mentioned above really are the most asked questions in a job interview! We might also ask you what your passions are outside of work; who knows, you may have some things in common with the people in the room!

Get YOUR questions ready: That’s right; interviews work both ways! Ask us questions about what it’s like to work here, collaboration with colleagues, managers, different departments, development opportunities, etc. It’ll be a pleasure to discuss these with you.

One thing is for sure, despite the stress a job interview brings and whatever the result may be, we will do everything in our power to make sure you enjoy your time here and leave our offices feeling lighthearted and happy. Looking forward to meeting you!

A career at Can-Explore :